Explora Primary

For elementary school research, this database provides access to age appropriate information on topics relevant to curriculum.

By using this service, you accept this service’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

Good to Know


  • Use the simple search to quickly deliver relevant results including articles, essays and primary source documents.
  • Search through easy-to-browse categories organized by popular topics like Animals, Art and Music, Math, Science and Health to inspire research ideas.
  • Find a starting point for your research using topic overviews.
  • Colorful, mobile-friendly design
  • View videos, images and more from trusted news sources
  • The For Educators section helps teachers connect content to curriculum across subject areas, provides lesson plans, tools for students and recommended websites.



Getting Started


To get started, you will need to have the following:

You can access EBSCOhost on your computer through a web browser, such as Chrome, Edge, Firefox or Safari or you can use the EBSCO Mobile app



Download the App


EBSCO mobile requires Apple iOS 11.0 or later or Android 5.0 and up. 


After you have downloaded the app, it will ask you to search for your Library or to use your location. 


You will then need to give EBSCO permission to check your library card in the Library’s system. 


It will ask for your Patron ID (Library Card number), enter it without any spaces.


The app provides access to all of the EBSCO databases that the library subscribes to.



Using a Computer


After logging on, you will see various popular topics organized by subject heading.  You may also do a basic search by entering your search terms into the search bar.  If you want to add filters to your search, do so by using the Advanced Search feature.


Select from the available Search Options:

  • Search modes – Use specific search modes, such as Find all my search terms or SmartText Searching or use search options that expand your search such as Apply related words.
  • Limit your results – such as Full Text or Publication date.

A full results list will appear sorted by the most relevant articles. You can also sort the results by date. Once you have found an article that you are interested in reading, just click on it or select the PDF.  If the PDF is available, you will be able to browse the whole issue that the article appears in using the toolbar on the left side.


If you are in your result’s list, you can add articles to your folder to print, email, save or export for use later.  If this is a homework assignment, you can also easily generate the citation in a variety of styles including MLA, APA, Chicago and Vancouver.



Need Help?


For more help, please visit EBSCO’s help section. 



Privacy and Terms of Use


This database is a product of EBSCO which is a commercial service whose policies concerning privacy and user information differ from that of the London Public Library. For more information, please read EBSCO’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.