Click on each section below to get answers to the most frequently asked questions about using the Library.
We're here to answer your questions by phone, email or in person at any Library location. Do you have questions about your Library account or other issues? Need help using the Library? We want to make it easy for you to use, or keep using, your Library and all the free resources that are available. Contact Us.
It's easy and just takes a few minutes! Visit your local Library with 2 pieces of identification, one with your current address. Need to use the Library online right now? See information about our temporary eAccount below.
The following are acceptable personal identification and must be accompanied by address identification:
- Driver's licence
- Membership card (Name listed on card) e.g. YMCA card
- Credit Card (Name listed on card and signed)
- Passport
- Immigration card
- London Transit Commission bus pass
- Employee Card (e.g.3M)
- Student Card
- Birth Certificate
- Armed Forces card
- Health Card
- Ontario Identification Card
- Social Insurance Card
Address Identification (must be accompanied by personal ID)
- Driver's licence
- Hospital card
- Realty tax bill in the name of the individual, not a company
- Realty tax assessment notice in the name of the individual, not a company
- Ontario Identification Card
- Personalized cheque with address
- Official rent receipt with address
- Bill with address (including tuition bill)
If you don’t have ID, please check with staff about different types of library cards.
Keep your library card safe. When you sign a library card, you take on the responsibility of following the rules and regulations of LPL.
If you change your name, address, phone number, or email, please let us know! Remember to bring in proof of your new address.
A London Public Library card is free to residents of the City of London and neighbouring Indigenous communities.
A London Public Library card is free to residents of Middlesex, Oxford and Elgin Counties (excluding the town of Woodstock) under reciprocal borrowing agreements. If you live in one of these counties, please bring in address ID and a current County, Strathroy, or St. Thomas library card to get your free London Public Library card.
UWO and Fanshawe students who live in London or the reciprocal counties are eligible for a free card.
For your protection, contact the library immediately to report a lost or stolen library card so we can cancel the card. You are responsible for anything borrowed on your card until it is reported lost or stolen.
If you change your name, address, phone number or email please let us know. Remember to bring in proof of your new address.
Email addresses and phone numbers can be changed online – for any other changes please visit your local branch library.
A person who is not a resident of the City of London, or not eligible for a free library card through reciprocal agreements with Middlesex, Oxford, and Elgin Counties (excluding the town of Woodstock) can sign up for a subscription library card.
Subscription library cards are $10/month to a maximum of $50/year. This fee is a household rate and allows card to be issued to all family members at the same residence.
To get a subscription library card, bring in address ID showing your home address to any London Public Library location.
Children and their parents or guardians can visit any library location to get a free library card.
The parent or guardian will need to provide address ID and will sign the library card to accept responsibility for items borrowed. Your child can choose a special sticker to customize their new library card!
Remember, London Public Library is fine-free and there are no charges for any overdue items, including children’s items.
You can sign up online now for a temporary eAccount and get immediate access to our Digital Library until you have a chance to visit one of our locations. In person, our staff will be happy to verify your address and provide your Library card.
Already have a Library card? Please contact us if you already have a Library card.
eAccounts can be used for three years, after which time you can renew the account by phoning or emailing the library (519-661-4600 or eAccounts give you access to:
- Borrow eBooks and eAudiobooks from the London Public Library Digital Catalogue
- Access our online educational services, including educational videos.
- Read the newspaper with PressReader
- Look through your favourite magazines with RBdigital or Flipster.
- Browse our Information Databases.
- Learn new languages with Mango Languages
- Once registered successfully, you will get a Library Account number and you will be able to log into your account immediately, so keep the number handy for your reference. This Library account is for your personal use only.
You can update your library card online as long as your card is in good standing. You can login into your account online, make any changes needed to your personal information and then update your account. The card will be updated for one year at that point. The next time you are in a library staff will be able to update your card to your birthday in two years.
To keep our customer records current, Library Cards expire every two years on your birthday. When your card is expired you can either update online or visit any library location in person to renew.
Yes! An educator card is available for anyone currently working at an education facility in the City of London or in the counties of Middlesex, Oxford and Elgin (with the exception of Woodstock).
Learn more about our Educator Card
I'm a teacher and I'd like to bring my class. How do I arrange for library cards for my students?
It's easy! Learn more on our Educator Page.

How to Find and Borrow
London Public Library gets thousands of new books a year!

Need to renew your Library Card?
No More Late Fines!
Did you know that your library is Fine Free? This means that you are no longer charged late fines when you return your overdue items!