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Mango Languages

Choose courses in over 70 different languages with this online language learning system. You can learn Spanish, French, Portuguese, Polish, Arabic, English, and more.

By using this service, you accept this service’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

Good to Know


  • You can learn English from 20 native languages.
  • Specialty courses are available.
  • You can create an account and track your progress or use it through guest access.
  • Mango uses real life situations and conversations to offer practical knowledge of the vocabulary.
  • Both basic and in-depth courses are available.



Getting Started


  1. Go to the Mango Languages log in page. If you are offsite, you will need to enter your library card number and PIN.
  2. Create an account with your email and a password. They will ask you to consent to their data collection policy.
  3. Browse or search for the language you wish to learn.



Download the App


You will first need to log into Mango through your web browser and create an account.


  • Download the app for iOS 12.0 and later, Android 7.0 and up.
  • Select Already have a profile? Log In at the bottom of the screen.
  • Now enter your email and password that you created while using the web browser.



Need Help?


For more help, visit the Mango Languages' Help Page.


Privacy and Terms of Use


Mango Languages is a commercial service whose policies concerning privacy and user information differ from that of the London Public Library. For more information, please read Mango Languages' Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.